Reduced Energy Costs
When air is drawn into your building's ducts in order to spread heat and air conditioning through it, dirt and other substances are also brought in. These all begin to add up in the ducts, trapped there and causing mounds of dust over time if left alone. When air tries to get through, it has to pass these build ups which drastically slows down the circulation. This forces things like the air conditioning to run for longer to properly stabilize the building's temperature. Through this, energy is heavily wasted, and it costs add up over time. The best way to cut them is to simply clean out the blockages!
It Improves Air Quality!
You want your employees to perform well and have solid work output, but this isn't possible if they're stuck in low quality air! People with allergies will need to constantly wipe their eyes and noses and have a hard time focusing, and it's far worse for anyone with breathing troubles like asthma. It can cause negative symptoms with harmful side effects, which may also occur in older workers as well. Even those with no health troubles at all will be fatigued due to the poor air, so no matter what you'll have a slowed work force. Keeping them healthy is the best way to keep them going.
Easing Temperature Fluctuation
Aside from being a waste of energy, slow distribution of both heat and air conditioning from blockages can mean the temperature in the building won't be able to remain comfortable. This can be hugely distracting to everyone trying to adjust for the shifting temperatures and will detract from their work, and your own!
Protection Against Mold!
The last thing you want is mold spreading through your building, but it could be doing so right under your nose because of dirty air ducts. For the safety of the building and those inside it, ensuring your air ducts are clear is for the best.